A Success Story in Using Social Media
A business attorney client called me last year to help her with her marketing efforts. After 30 years of successfully operating her law practice, she realized that she needed to become more ‘online savvy’ because others in her immediate circle were reaping great results from their efforts. Within a few months, I helped her launch her new website which linked to her revamped LinkedIn profile, company Facebook page and Twitter account. Her fears about ‘not being good at this’ were replaced by a new level of competence as she quickly got up to speed (as I knew she would) in these areas.
I’m happy to report that she now enjoys posting on social media so much that she doesn’t need my help! Because she has made it a priority in her life to spend 10 minutes here and there to write or share posts, her social media profile has quickly elevated her practice and will continue to generate leads and keep her visible to others, rather than invisible.
Press Releases Really Do Work
As a former news journalist, I always look for angles to elevate my clients’ reputations. One of the main tools I recommend is a press release campaign, which instantly creates credibility by generating 100 or more reprints of the stories carried by the media.
There many ways to tell a story but only a few that will get results. I know this from having covered news for over 25 years. The outcome that we seek in doing a press release campaign is branding my clients as ‘unique’ or the best at what they do. By doing so, they will build credibility as a ‘go to source’ for referral partners as well as for media interviews.
Your Willingness to Learn Will Open New Doors
For those who are now using social media to distinguish yourself from your competitors, know that your efforts are paying off, as each reference to you/your company is being seen by hundreds or thousands of readers. Over time, the effort you put into your online marketing will build your business to a higher level — if you keep the ball rolling.
For those who have yet to invest time or effort in using social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or YouTube, don’t be afraid to get your feet wet. It all starts with a little knowledge and by making the choice to find out what you may be missing out on by now using these free online sites for a portion of your marketing/PR efforts.
As part of my own branding effort, I embrace the social media via my Writer For Hire Facebook page, my LinkedIn profile and Twitter. Each of these sites link back to my website, www.writerpatkramer.com, which translates to free advertising for me to reach those who may be shopping for a business copywriter, PR writer, ghostwriter or web content writer.
As I celebrate my 26th year as Writer For Hire®, I’m committed more than ever to help business clients become more successful in their marketing and public relations. Please listen to my interviews on Exit Coach Radio to learn more about using press releases or social media sites for your marketing efforts.
To your success in 2016~
Writer For Hire® Pat Kramer
[email protected]
(818) 353-5699 PST