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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                                    

For More Information contact:

Dr. Frank Balderrama: (818) 908-8000






Doctors Say Vitamin Deficiencies Are Epidemic Among Hispanics 


VAN NUYS, CA (April 27, 1998) – In their efforts to curb an increase in vitamin deficiency-related health problems in Latino children, Doctors Frank & Erick Balderrama have launched their own line of children’s vitamins called SUPER BRUCITO(TM). In doing so, they hope to combat the growing problem of malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies in Latino children, which they say is now at an epidemic level in America.

As the founders of the Balderrama Medical Clinic, serving a primarily Latino clientele, the doctors have long noticed a high degree of health problems in children related to an improper diet. Dr. Frank Balderrama states, “Research indicates that 20% – 24% of Latino children suffer from iron deficiency anemia, a common by-product of vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Numerous studies show that children with poor nutrition and iron deficiency anemia score lower on psychological, development, intelligence and cognitive tests. In infants, the onset of anemia can limit the development of vision, language skills, muscular control, emotional response and the ability to reason. Clearly, many serious problems can result from improper and unbalanced nutrition.”

He adds, “While Latino children grow up in the United States, many still suffer from nutritional problems endemic in third world countries: One out of every six Latino children has anemia.” Contributing factors he notes are: the high level of poverty found among Hispanics (28% as opposed to a 10% national average), cultural eating habits, misinformation, and inability to access quality medical care.

Realizing that many Hispanics lack the educational awareness of proper diet, the doctors began educational outreach efforts in the community before realizing that there was a need for a vitamin product, specifically geared to Latino children. Noting that many Latino children can’t relate to Flintstones or Bugs Bunny characters, the doctors hired an area laboratory to formulate fruit-flavored vitamins in the shape of animals, with their logo a super-strong baby, “SUPER BRUCITO.”

Says Dr. Frank, “By providing SUPER BRUCITOTM vitamins as a supplement to children’s diets, we hope to decrease the incidence of vitamin deficiencies in the Latino population, offering children and adults the opportunity to life healthier, more fulfilling lives.”

As medical professionals, the doctor says Latinos need to learn the importance of eating a balanced diet with dairy, protein, fruit, vegetables and carbohydrates present at each meal. Meanwhile, he recommends cutting back on heavily salted foods, fats and sugar, currently present in high amounts in the average Hispanic diet. For those who can’t eat right, taking SUPER BRUCITOTM will still improve their health resulting in increased energy, better concentration, increased immune system efficiency and overall, better health.

While the Latino market has, in the past, been resistant to purchasing vitamin supplements, the Drs. Balderrama hope to change that track record through their educational and outreach work at health fairs, Circus Vargas, educational TV and Cable TV programs.

Dr. Frank has made numerous appearances on KMEX TV (Channel 34) providing medical commentary in an effort to improve the health of the Latino community. “It’s a labor of love for us,” he says. “As medical professionals, we are dedicated to serving the public and providing good health care, while as members of the Latino community, we care about helping our people.” By getting this message out to the Latino community, the doctors hope to provide today’s children with better abilities to compete in the job market of tomorrow.

SUPER BRUCITOTM is now available in about 300 retail outlets including Clinicas Medicas Familiares, Clinicas Medicas San Miguel, Clinicas Medicas Coronado, and at  Latino markets and pharmacies in greater Los Angeles.

For more information, please contact Dr. Frank Balderrama at the Balderrama Medical Clinic: (818) 908-8000.