People often ask me why I chose to be a writer. I have two stories for that:
I was initially inspired to write in a diary when I was 8 or 9 years old. My class was reading “The Diary of Anne Frank” about the young Belgian girl who wrote about her family’s early survival during WWII by hiding in the attic of a neighbor, along with several other Jewish residents, and how difficult life was at that time. My desire to write took off after reading her diary and I began writing my thoughts down every day. That process has continued throughout my life and as a result, I may someday write my own memoir.
My other inspiration was my older sister, Nancy Ann Kramer, who was a radio news announcer when she was at Antioch College in Ohio before pursuing a career as a criminal defense attorney where she became a partner as Glass & Kramer in the Bay Area of Northern California.
Nancy was my mentor, always setting the stage for what was possible. She was a trendsetter, a real beauty – inside and out – and cared very deeply about me and my siblings. She encouraged me to pursue my career in journalism and was always there when I needed her until her premature death in September 1994. Read my tribute to my late sister in this City of Hope “Hope News” article:: In Honor of Nancy Kramer.
After serving as a disc jockey at my college radio station, and then as a news journalist at Emerson College in Boston, I graduated in Mass Communications with a dual major in Journalism and Public Relations. That led to my early career as a radio broadcast journalist, then as a print journalist and PR writer. In 1990, I decided to create a business based on helping business owners by writing their communication materials,
As Writer For HIre for the past 30+ years (since 1990), I continue to think of my late sister and young Anne Frank as I write stories that inform, educate, and inspire. I believe life is about the stories we create and share with others and I hope that you find a way to share your stories as I have mine.