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5 Tips to Get More Traction on LinkedIn

I’m frequently asked by those who have service and product-oriented businesses to provide some tips on how to make LinkedIn more effective as a marketing and promotional tool. As someone who’s reaped the rewards of LinkedIn on multiple occasions, I’m often seen as...

I Found a Way to Give Back

On April 20 and May 18, 2016, I will be sharing my 30-year career journey as a news journalist, corporate/business copywriter and publicist with high school students at two, underserved Los Angeles high schools: Oscar de la Hoya High School in South L.A. and Animo...


The History of Valentine’s Day and What It Has Come to Mean Today  Valentine’s Day is a holiday that most people observe due to its popularity in our culture. But where did it begin and why do we set aside the date of February 14th each year for this observance?  That...

Do You Want to Be Visible or Invisible?

A Success Story in Using Social Media A business attorney client called me last year to help her with her marketing efforts. After 30 years of successfully operating her law practice, she realized that she needed to become more ‘online savvy’ because others in her...