Are you getting your name or your business “out there” often enough to be noticed?
Writing blogs or articles is a very cost-effective way to keep your business in front of your chosen market. In addition to sharing your expertise on the subject of which you write, the blogs or articles promote what you do if you are posting them on LinkedIn or other social media that is read by the audiences or target markets you serve.
I always suggest to my clients that we work out a plan where I help them write at least one blog a week. Blogs are short versions of articles that are meant to be easy reads, whereas articles can go much longer and be considered for professional placement in magazines or professional journals and posts are simple 3 – 4 line announcements promoting something you read, worked on, or an event you are attending.
If you are not currently writing blogs, posts, or articles, you are missing out on a very important promotional and marketing tool. My marketing and public relations plans are economical and produce a great amount of content that is original and customized to your business and the way you speak. Unlike some marketing agencies, I do not resell my content – it is always written for just one client.
Also, while some marketing agencies have younger, less experienced staff writing content for clients, I provide voer 30 years of experience as a journalist, PR writer and professional Writer For Hire. Why not give it a try and set up a plan that can get your business on the map and regularly noticed?
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