“Pat did a great job writing a personal history for my mom, who is in her 90’s. We are so pleased with the enthusiasm both Pat and my mom approached the project. These memoirs were completed in the expected timeline and within budget. Now her stories are memorialized for future generations. Fabulous!” Ann Negendank
“Pat was referred to my family by our senior care manager for my 85-year-old mother who is Japanese and has had a number of hardships in her life. It was a long-standing desire of my Mom to write some of her memoirs from particularly traumatic periods of her life so that she could share them with her family members. Pat demonstrated tremendous care, compassion and cultural sensitivity throughout not just one, but what ended up being two autobiographical projects for my family. She pays great attention to detail and ensures that the archives she creates are factually correct using direct face-to-face inquiry, telephone and email contacts. I highly recommend her services!” Deborah ‘Dee’ Wing, MD, MBA
“For years, Pat talked about her service of writing the life story of aged relatives. I kept saying I would do that for my own parents. Sadly, my dad passed away last year, and my mom a year and a half before that. I never got around to it. Please don’t make the same mistake I did. Call Pat today!” Bob Birgen, Principal at Abridge Partners, LLC
Over the years, Pat has worked with a diverse group of authors, some whom you would recognize and others who were aspiring writers, helping them write their books and also promote them. Among others, these include Bob Rhody’s book “Designing the American Home for Market Value,” published by Redwood Publishing, Izzy Eichenstein’s “The Rebel and the Rabbi’s Son,” “Essential Tax Tips & Strategies” by Allen Kutchins, CPA, a Psychology Teaching Manual by a Burbank psychotherapist, “Restaurant Proprietors Beware,” written by a restaurant management consultant, and a series of Management Consulting Guides by author Dick Dadamo. Pat also has authored training guides (management and employee manuals) for a number of companies.
Additionally, Pat is engaged in writing family memoirs for seniors that document their personal and family histories and family business memoirs that create a vivid historical representation of the past generations up to the present. She has written more than two dozen senior memoirs and is presently teaching a Memoir Writing Class for a senior living facility in Texas. Everyone has a story to tell – and for that reason, Pat has created the Lifelong Stories memoir writing service to capture the valuable memories our elders hold dear that we don’t want to lose. Examples of these stories are contained in the memoirs of the following people:
Julia Vera Keys, the first white woman born on the island of Catalina at the turn of the 20th century;
Marta M., a Cuban refugee who came to America at the age of 12, two weeks before Castro locked down the country;
Rita T., an accomplished educator and mountain climber from India;
Dorothy W., a Japanese – American woman who spent four years, as a child, in an internment camp with her family;
Shirley F., a 1930’s runway model and daughter of a bootlegger;
Virginia W., the wife of an oil industry executive whose early life began on a 40-acre farm in Indiana in the 1920’s;
Kim N., the survivor of the Cambodian genocide;
Nancyb W., whose family history goes back to the Revolutionary War in America;
Ed Z., a high – ranking military man who served for over 30 years in three wars;
Ken Y., who traces his family back to the Civil War in America;
Pedro I., born in the Basque Country of Spain who emigrated to America to seek a better life;
Harsha P., born in India, her family emigrated to East Africa and she later made her way to London, England and the USA;
Jagdesh P., born in India and raised in Uganda, he became a physician practicing in America.
If you have an interest in writing a book but need help making it happen, please contact Writer For Hire Pat Kramer and begin to enjoy the process of becoming a published author.