Are you getting your name or your business “out there” often enough to be noticed?

Writing blogs or articles is a very cost-effective way to keep your business in front of your chosen market. In addition to sharing your expertise on the subject on which you write, the blogs or articles promote what you do if you are posting them on LinkedIn or other social media that is read by the audiences or target markets you serve.
I always suggest to my clients that we work out a plan where I help them write at least one blog a week. Blogs are short versions of articles that are meant to be easy reads, whereas articles can go much longer and be considered for professional placement in magazines or professional journals and posts are simple 3 – 4 line announcements promoting something you read, worked on, or an event you are attending.
There are so many benefits to writing and posting original content. First of all, it positions you as being knowledgeable about your subject matter. Sure, your clients know you are knowledgeable already but those who don’t know you yet are being denied this information.
Secondly, it is an opportunity for you to promote the webinars, seminars, or events that you attend. This makes you stand out in another way because you make the effort to attend these business or educational events. If you are creating the event yourself, even better! Now you are positioning yourself to be an expert on your subject matter.
Third and most important, it creates visibility for you and your firm or company. We all know that those companies that don’t advertise or promote their businesses, ultimately lose business. You have to make the effort to get “out there” in front of your prospective audience or target market to be seen as a resource for other business advisors’ clients. If you aren’t writing or having a writer write and post your blogs, articles and posts, you might want to take the initiative to do so.
And what better time than to get the new year started by making a commitment to get going. The new year energizes us to think about better ways to do business, better ways to reach others and better ways to improve our processes.
If you are not comfortable with writing your own blogs, posts, or articles, it is easy to find the help that you need. There are many marketing agencies out there that do good work and while prices may vary, they are generally affordable. Be careful though to ask whether the content that is written for you is shared or resold for other clients, as somethings that is done (not by me, that’s for sure – my content is always customized for one client).
Also, ask about who will be doing the content writing as some firms let non-writers or marketing agents write content for clients. Again, I can only speak for myself but I bring 30+ years as a professional writer to all of the types of writing that I do.
Anyway, it is a New Year now. What better time than now to get going with writing regular content by setting up a plan that can get your business on the map and regularly noticed?
Writer For Hire Pat Kramer is a published writer who has worked with businesses, PR agencies and Ad agencies improving the way their clients come across with the ultimate goal of getting them more business.